sábado, 25 de abril de 2009
I like these activities. I felt good solving them.
I worked in more activities of this Module C to improve my vocabulary and to identify the abilities of a system and the cause of ability.
- Where are you?
I am walking on a island.
- What are you doing?
I am on vacation. I am taking some photos.
- How is the weather?
Now, the weather is clearing.
- What do you see?
I am seeing many palm trees.
- Are you sitting or standing?
Now, I am sitting.
- Who is with you?
I am walking with my family.
- Do you like the place?
Yes, I like this kind of places.
Reading section (Pág. 16)
We all know that pushing down on the brake pedal slows a car to a stop. But how does this happen? How does your car transmit the force from your leg to its wheels? How does it multiply the force so that it is enough to stop something as big as a car?
When you depress your brake pedal, your car transmits the force from your foot to its brakes through a fluid. Since the actual brakes require a much greater force than you could apply with your leg, your car must also multiply the force of your foot. It does this in two ways:
Mechanical advantage (leverage)
Hydraulic force multiplication
The brakes transmit the force to the tires using friction, and the tires transmit that force to the road using friction also.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009
I chose these two activities, because I think that these can help me to improve my understanding of reading and to speak about my hobbies.
I like these activities. I felt good solving them.
I worked in more activities of this Module B to improve my understanding of reading, my vocabulary and to identify the parts that compose a system and their functions.
READING (Pág. 12)
1. Shoe factories get their raw material from leather manufacturers.
Giver: Leather manufacturers.
Receiver: Shoe factories.
What is given: Raw material.
Verb: Get.
- Leather manufacturers give raw material to shoe factories.
- Leather manufacturers provide/supply shoe factories with raw material.
2. Foods we consume give nutrients to our organism.
Giver: Foods we consume.
Receiver: Our organism.
What is given: Nutrients.
Verb: Give.
- Our organism receive nutrients from foods we consume.
- Foods we consume provide/supply our organism with nutrients.
3. Universities provide students with academic services.
Giver: Universities.
Receiver: Students.
What is given: Academic services.
Verb: Provide.
- Universities give academic services to students.
- Students receive academic services from universities.
4. The Green Stationery supplies over 2000 small, medium and large organizations with many recycled office products.
Giver: The Green Stationery.
Receiver: Over 2000 small, medium and large organizations.
What is given: Many recycled office products.
Verb: Supply.
- The Green Stationery sells many recycled office products to over 2000 small, medium and large organizations.
- Over 2000 small, medium and large organizations receive many recycled office products from the Green Stationery.
5. Real state agencies sell houses to people.
Giver: Real state agencies.
Receiver: People.
What is given: Houses.
Verb: Sell.
- People buy houses from Real state agencies.
- Real state agencies provide/supply people with houses.
- Adam is one of Sue’s brothers. He is 24 years old and he is a baker. He likes reading, running and playing tennis. He doesn’t like singing.
- Sandy is Sue’s mother. She is 58 years old and she is an artist. She likes dancing, singing, drawing. She doesn’t like mathematics. She hates them.
- Leo is Sue’s father. He is 60 years old and he is a painter. He likes swimming, practicing yoga and practicing gymnastics.
viernes, 3 de abril de 2009
Reflection (1)
I felt good solving these activities. I liked them.
Yes, I worked in more activities to improve my understanding of reading and vocabulary.
1. Situation 1: A guard finds a piece of luggage in a waiting lounge in the airport. He sees a man running.
- Guard: Hey, man! Is this piece of luggage yours?
- Man: That’s right!. Thank you!
2. Situation 2: A couple of friends go to a restaurant and order a dish. The waiter makes a mistake and brings something different.
- Meter: Waiter!, we didn’t order this dish. You made a mistake.
- Waiter: I didn’t know that. I’m sorry!
3. Situation 3: A woman is showing her friends the photographs she took during a trip around Europe.
- Sonia: Hi, friends! These are the photos that I took in Europe.
- Friends: That’s ok!
4. Situation 4: A makes a phone call to a friend.
- John: Hello, this is John.
- John: Is that Sonia?
- Sonia: Yes, this is Sonia.
Countries, Nationalities and Languages
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is from Austria, but now he is nationalized American. He is a bodybuilder, a politician and a well-recognized American actor; but is now the governor of California. He speaks English.
- Steven Spielberg is from United States. He is a very important American film director and film producer. He speaks English.
- Diego Armando Maradona is from Argentina. He was a well-recognized soccer player. Actually is a Argentine head coach. He speaks Spanish.
- Michelle Bachelet is from Chile. She is a pediatrician and a very important Chilean politician. Currently, she is the president of Chile. She speaks Spanish.
- Alejandro Sanz is from Spain. He is a very important and well-recognized musician, composer and Spanish singer. He speaks Spanish.
Introducing People
1. Introducing yourself to a teacher.
- Sergio: Hi Mrs. Garzón!. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sergio Andrés Torres Suárez.
- Teacher: It’s nice to meet you Sergio. What do you do?
- Sergio: I now study first semester of physics.
- Teacher: Oh, is good!. Good Bye! Sergio.
- Sergio: Bye, Mrs. Garzón. See you later!
2. Introducing your sister to a classmate:
- Sergio: Hi! Daniel. This is Lorena.
- Daniel: It’s nice to meet you. How do you do?
- Lorena: How do you do?
- Daniel: Lorena, what do you do?
- Lorena: I now study the third semester of statistics, and you?
- Daniel: I now study the third semester of mathematics.
- Daniel: It was a pleasure to meet you. See you later!
- Lorena: Good bye, Daniel.
3. Introducing a friend to your family:
- Sergio: Hi, Mother!
- Mother: Hi, Sergio!
- Sergio: Let me introduce you Thomas, my best friend.
- Mother: Good to meet you, Thomas. How do you do?
- Thomas: How do you do?
- Mother: What do you do?
- Thomas: I now study the fifth semester of electronic engineering.
- Mother: Wow! Where do you live?
- Thomas: I live in the Floresta Neighborhood.
- Mother: It’s nice to meet you. Good day!
- Thomas: It’s nice to meet you too. See you later!